Monday, August 24, 2009

Operation 'Belt the Child'

Ok, I'm not campaigning for flogging children. This Campaign is for the benefit of children actually.

I am very disturbed when I see children dancing around in the front seat of a car; and when I say dancing, I mean that the car is throwing them around because the roads are so bad. I'm often tempted to stop the driver franctically, and ask them to strap the child. I've heard of too many accidents where the car stopped all of a sudden, and the person in the passenger seat flew right out the windscreen. (God forbid).

While, we continue to pray for God's protection, we have to be wise as well. So, I have made up my mind - I will always stop the driver of the car when I see a child dancing around in the passenger seat, and ask them to wear the child a seatbelt. I applaud the efforts of the Government in enforcing seat belts, but we know how ineffective it is. The best way to get someone not to do something, is to force them to do it. Nigerians mostly wear seatbelts, because the Government says so. Not many people understand the safety benefits.

I know how difficult it is to make a child sit still, but it may help if you paint the gory picture of an accident to the child and it's parents, and help them understand, that you're stopping them for their own good. I'm guessing that child car seats are not enforced maybe because they're not very common or kinda expensive. Whatever the case, something need to be done...

While no one holds the power of life and death but God, we can help avoid unnecessary losses by being smart. Let's do something good.

Are you with me?